What should I read at my best friend’s wedding?

Photo by iam luisao on Pexels.com

Your best friend’s wedding is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in their life, and being asked to read something during the ceremony is an honour. It’s a chance to share their joy and to bring something extra special to their day.

You’ll want to take a little time to find just the right combination of words to capture the essence of their relationship and the depth of your friendship.  There are various ways to tackle this delightful, but slightly daunting task.

Here are a few suggestions to help you decide what to read at your best friend’s wedding:

Make it personal

If you choose to deliver your own reading you can really speak from your heart about your friendship with the bride or groom. It’s a chance to share cherished memories and express your hopes for their future together. Personalised readings add a unique and intimate touch to the ceremony and show the bond you share with the couple.

Choose a poem about love and friendship

As you’ll have guessed I’m pretty keen on poems!  The combination of rhythm and well-chosen words speaks to the human spirit in a way that is unique and powerful. You can choose to write your own poem, seek help from a professional poet, or delve into your favourite books to find a poem that resonates. The Poetry Foundation is an excellent resource.

Choose an excerpt from a book

Draw inspiration from literature by selecting passages that celebrate love, commitment, and friendship.  Research books, songs and author quotes to find words that reflect the couple’s journey together. You could sneak a peek at their bookshelves or vinyl collection to find inspiration.

Consider their faith and culture

If the couple follows a particular faith or cultural tradition, consider incorporating readings from relevant religious or cultural texts into the ceremony. These readings can add depth and significance to the proceedings, reflecting the couple’s spiritual beliefs and values. Whether it’s a Bible verse, a passage from the Quran, or a traditional wedding blessing, you can be sure your choice will hold special meaning for the couple.

Include shared memories

I recently completed a commission for a best woman to read at her dearest friend’s wedding. Part of the poem included specific memories and anecdotes, and these really made the poem sing. Whether you choose a personal story, cherished memory, or a funny tale, you can really highlight the special bond you share with your dearest friends. Your reading can become a heartfelt message about what their relationship means to you, speaking from personal experience can create a memorable and meaningful moment during the ceremony.

Get in touch

Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose something that feels authentic and true to your relationship with the couple. So, take your time, reflect on your friendship, and choose something that speaks to the beauty and joy of the occasion. Whatever option you choose I can help you create a truly memorable gift, be that an illustrated print, hand painted poem or a completely bespoke wedding reading. Get in touch and let’s get creative!

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